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    Sep 16, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog of Courses 
2023-2024 Catalog of Courses [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Key to Course Descriptions

Course numbering is based on the content of the material presented in a course. Course listings are subject to change. Fort Lewis College does not offer all the classes listed in this catalog every semester or every year. Courses listed in previous catalogs may be reinstated and included in the course offerings. If a course being offered is not listed in the following descriptions, please contact the appropriate department chair. Each semester the College publishes a schedule of courses that provides a detailed list of courses offered and the times and places of instruction. Courses listed in the schedule of courses are subject to change.

Explanatory Notes

Course Number
Course numbering is based on the contents of the material presented in courses.
001-099 Remedial
100-199 Primarily for First-Year Students
200-299 Primarily for First-Year and Sophomores
300-499 Primarily for Juniors and Seniors
600-799 Exclusively for Graduate students
1100-1799 Physical Education (PE) activities

Courses numbered below 100 do not count towards graduation. Courses numbered 100-299 are called lower division courses, while those 300 or above are known as upper division courses. Courses numbered 600-799 are graduate courses.

A requirement that must be fulfilled before a student can enroll in a particular course. Consent of the instructor for a student to attend a class is implied when the student has met the specified course prerequisite(s). Some class prerequisites must be completed with a grade of at least a B or better. Please check the course description for minimum prerequisite grade requirements.

A requirement that must be taken concurrently with another course of instruction. If a student withdraws from a course with a corequisite(s), the student must also withdraw from the corequisite course(s).

Cancellation of Course
The College reserves the right to cancel under-enrolled courses (courses not enrolled in by an adequate number of students) or for which qualified faculty are not obtainable.

Reinstated Course
Courses listed in previous catalogs may be reinstated and included in the course offerings. If a course being offered is not listed in the following descriptions, please contact the appropriate department chair.

Variable Credit Courses
1-3 indicates variable credit; the minimum and maximum credit limitation per term are shown. An example:

THEA 100   Theatrical Production   1-3
This course offers students interested in theatrical production the opportunity to apply foundational skills in the areas of technical theatre, performance, management and marketing. Students gain a working knowledge of skills necessary to stage a performance. Repeatable for up to 12 credits.


Course descriptions include a variety of symbols that convey essential information. The following standard course description with explanation of symbols is an example.

COMP 250 - Academic Inquiry and Writing

COMP 250 builds on introductory rhetorical and genre theories. It focuses on analysis of specific genres and their conventions through critical thinking and writing in academic contexts. Students address specific audiences based on genres; determine appropriate exigencies; evaluate sources of evidence; deepen their understanding of writing as an activity within genre; and create and present an extended research project.

Credits: 3

Clock Hours - (Lect-Lab): (3-0)

gtPathways: CO2

Prerequisites: FLC Writing Placement Score C250 OR COMP 150 (minimum grade of C-)

This course was approved for gtPathways as of publication date. Changes can be made to approved gtPathways courses at any time; they are not catalog specific. The most accurate listing of courses approved for gtPathways can be found by searching by attribute on the schedule on WebOPUS.


COMP – Department designator

250 – Course number

gt Pathways – indicates if the course is approved to fulfill a requirement in the Liberal Arts Core .

Academic Inquiry and Writing – Course title

Credits – Number of credits awarded for successful completion of the course

“COMP 250 builds on….” – Explanation of course content, or course description

Clock hours - (Lect-Lab) – (Clock hours in lecture per week – clock hours in laboratory experiences per week)

Prerequisites - Indicates courses which must be successfully completed prior to enrolling in this course

Notes - Additional information which may be relevant to the course

Note: Not all of the above information may be included in each description.