Communication (CO1 and CO2 or CO2 and CO3):
The ability to write effectively and read critically underlies professional projects, civic actions, and academic endeavors. Analyzing whom and what to vote for, reading with an open mind about social, economic, and philosophical issues, and developing the competencies to contribute to the world of ideas in the academy and in the workplace are important. Lower division communication courses provide the foundational work necessary for students to begin to think, read, and write at advanced levels.
Students are required to complete either one CO1 course and one CO2 course or one CO2 course and one CO3 course. Students’ options for CO1, CO2, and CO3 are governed by placement policies developed by the Writing Program. Students should consult the requirements of their degree programs before selecting a CO2 course because some programs require completion of a specific CO2 course
Mathematics (MA1):
Mathematics underlies modern technology, is essential to understanding and critically examining public policy, and is a powerful tool for many disciplines. Pattern recognition, generalization, abstraction, problem solving, careful analysis, and rigorous quantitative argument are important to all well-educated citizens and are the foundation of many professions.
Students are required to complete one MA1 course. Students’ options for this requirement are determined by placement policies developed by the departments that offer MA1 courses. Students should consult the requirements of their degree programs before selecting a MA1 course because some programs require completion of a specific MA1 course.
Arts and Humanities, History, and Social and Behavioral Sciences (AH, HI, and SS):
Arts and Humanities
Arts and Humanities courses (AH) help students recognize the different ways in which humans have perceived their world, deepen their understanding of how social, cultural, linguistic, religious, philosophical, and historical circumstances shape the human environment, and explore fundamental questions of value, meaning, and modes of expression. There are four types of Arts and Humanities courses: Arts and Expression (AH1); Literature and Humanities (AH2); Ways of Thinking (AH3); and Foreign Languages (AH4).
History courses (HI1) involve students in analytical, chronological study of significant human experiences. Through the study of a specific aspect of the human experience students will learn the interpretive and analytical methods necessary to build accounts of the past and explore how alternative analytical perspectives can create different narratives of the past.
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Social and Behavioral Science courses (SS) help students acquire a foundational understanding of the social sciences while gaining insight into contemporary issues and problems. There are three types of Social and Behavioral Sciences courses: Economic or Political Systems (SS1); Geography (SS2); and Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks (SS3).
Students are required to complete two Arts and Humanities courses, one History course, and one Social and Behavioral Science course. If, after completing the four required courses, students have not earned a minimum of 15 credits, they must take an additional course from the Arts and Humanities, History, or Social Science categories. Students’ options to take modern language courses to fulfill the Arts and Humanities requirements are determined by placement policies developed by the Modern Languages Department. Students should consult the requirements of their degree programs before selecting Arts and Humanities, History, and Social and Behavioral Science courses because some programs may require completion of specific courses.
Natural and Physical Sciences (SC1 and SC2):
Through Natural and Physical Science courses students will gain an understanding of the scientific viewpoint and method and gain insights into the impacts of science and technology on society.
Students are required to complete two Natural and Physical Science courses. One of these courses must be a science with an associated laboratory (SC1). The second course may be from either the SC1 (science with a lab) or SC2 (science without a lab) list. Students’ options for this requirement are determined by placement policies developed by the departments that offer SC1 and SC2 courses. Students should consult the requirements of their degree programs before selecting their Natural and Physical Science courses because some programs require completion of specific SC1 and SC2 courses.
Physical Well-Being (PE Activity or ES 100):
The Physical Well-Being component educates students in the benefits and joys of physical activity, emphasizing how physical well-being enhances overall quality of life. In Fitness and Wellness (ES 100 ), students learn how principles of fitness and wellness contribute to the development of an active, healthy lifestyle and contribute to positive, productive citizenship. The PE Activity courses are designed to help students improve their physical fitness or explore new physical activities.
Students are required to complete one course – either ES 100 (no other ES-prefix course may be substituted) or a PE Activity.