a Check course description for minimum grade in prerequisite course(s) required to enroll in this course.
b A minimum of 15 credits of coursework must be completed in the combined areas of AH/HI/SS.
c This Liberal Arts Core course is required by the major. To complete the degree in the specified total credits for graduation, students must use this course to fulfill the requirements of both the Liberal Arts Core and the major.
d This course fulfills both a Major requirement and a Liberal Arts Core requirement. Credits for this course are counted in the Liberal Arts Core section of the curriculum listing. These credits are not counted in the Major Requirements total.
e Students double majoring in Biochemistry and Biology with an area of concentration in Cellular and Molecular Biology may take either the senior seminar sequence in Chemistry (CHEM 496 and CHEM 497 ) or Biology (BIO 496 and BIO 497 ).
g The following courses require a grade of B- or better for continued progression through the licensure program: ED 222 , ED 341 , and ED 342 .
Note: Undergraduate students must adhere to the Undergraduate Teacher Licensure Requirements and meet the academic standards for undergraduate classification.
Note: Post-baccalaureate students must adhere to Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Requirements and meet the academic standards for Post-Baccalaureate classification.
Note: Students must be admitted to the Teacher Licensure program to enroll in 400-level ED prefix courses. Students must subsequently be admitted to Student Teaching.
Note: Among the total credits required for graduation, at least 36 credits must be upper division (300- and 400-level) courses.
Note: Students completing the Liberal Arts Core in fewer than 34 credits will have additional free electives.
Note: Students who have met a prerequisite or required course through transfer, examinations, or assessment of prior learning will have additional free electives.