Click on a link to be taken to the entry below.
Academic policies and procedures are not catalog-specific. They are determined by the Fort Lewis College faculty and administration. The College reserves the right to change academic policies and procedures as needed. Students will be notified via their official Fort Lewis College email account if and when changes are implemented.
Academic Dishonesty by Students
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Academic Integrity and Dishonesty policies and procedures are set forth in the Faculty Handbook:
- Definitions, p. 63
- Policy statement, pp. 63-64
- Procedures for handling allegations of academic dishonesty, pp. 64-68
- Sanctions, pp. 68-69.
Academic Grievance and Appeals
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Academic Grievance and Appeals procedures are set forth in the Faculty Handbook,
- Academic Expectations, p. 69
- Student Rights, pp. 69-70
- Student Responsibilities, p. 70
- Student Academic Appeals and Academic Grievance Procedures, pp. 70-74.
Good Standing, Probation, and Suspension
An overall grade point average of 2.0 is considered satisfactory progress toward a degree. If, in any single term, a term grade point average of less than 2.0 is earned, the student will be placed on probation or will be academically suspended or dismissed from the college. Grades from courses completed during summer terms are not used in determining academic standing. Academic standing can be viewed electronically via the student’s WebOPUS account in the “Final Grades” or the “Check Your Registration Status” pages.
The following table outlines the criteria used to determine academic standings:
2.00 or higher |
Good Standing |
1.00 to 1.99 |
Probation the first term this occurs (P1) |
Probation the second consecutive term this occurs (P2) |
Suspension the third consecutive term this occurs |
0.99 or lower |
Suspension after any term this occurs |
Return to Good Standing after Probation or Reinstatement from Suspension or Dismissal
A 2.00 term GPA is needed to move up each standing level.

A student on Probation Level 1 will return to Good Standing if the term GPA earned the next Fall or Winter term is at least 2.00. Once the student is placed on Probation Level 2 or has been reinstated from suspension or dismissal, it will take two consecutive terms with GPAs 2.00 or higher to return to Good Standing.
Academic Suspension
Academic suspension is normally for one calendar year. Suspension may be appealed to the Academic Standards Committee.
Academic Dismissal
Academic dismissal occurs when a student has a term GPA of less than 2.00 the first term following readmission from suspension. Academic dismissal is permanent separation from the college. Dismissals may be appealed to the Academic Standards Committee.
Appeal of Academic Suspension or Dismissal
A letter officially notifying a student of academic suspension or dismissal will be mailed to both the student’s permanent and local mailing addresses shortly after grades are finalized for the term. Included with this letter is the form needed to officially appeal the academic standing. A student who wishes to appeal must complete all parts of the form and return it by the specified date. The Academic Standards Committee reviews appeals twice a year, early January and mid-May, and notifies the student of the Committee’s decision by email or telephone the day after the Committee meeting. Questions about academic standing and/or the appeal process should be directed to the Academic Advising and Student Success Center.
Academic Renewal
A transfer or returning Fort Lewis College student who has not attended any college for at least five years (60 consecutive months) may petition for “Academic Renewal.”
Academic Renewal is defined as the elimination of the student’s entire previous academic record, including credits earned and grade point average.
Normally, a student applies for academic renewal as part of the admission (for new transfer students) or re-admission (for former students) process. Under rare circumstances, an already admitted student may apply for academic renewal during the first year of resumed studies at Fort Lewis College. Questions about the process for petitioning for academic renewal should be directed to the Academic Advising and Student Success Center.
If a petition is granted, the student’s permanent record will denote “ACADEMIC RENEWAL APPROVED” with the date. Academic Renewal applies only to actions taken by Fort Lewis College. Other colleges may or may not accept the action of the Academic Renewal. Students granted academic renewal must meet all established College standards for satisfactory academic progress.
New Student Advising
All new freshman and transfer students must be advised and registered by the New Student Advising and Registration Office. All returning students must be advised by the Academic Advising and Student Success Center. Advising begins in October for the winter semester and March for the summer and fall semesters.
Continuing Student Advising
All continuing students must meet with their assigned faculty or staff advisor at least once a term, prior to the next term’s registration, to review their progress towards graduation and plan course selections for the next term. Students will not be allowed to register until they have met with their advisor and received their Alternate PIN (ALTPIN). In addition to consulting with their faculty advisor, continuing students may receive supplementary advising services at the Academic Advising and Student Success Center.
Change of Advisor
Continuing students may change their faculty or staff advisor by filing a “Change of Advisor” form with the Registrar’s Office. The form is available online at: Both the student’s signature and new advisor’s signature are required on the form.
Regular class attendance is expected, with instructors determining the extent to which absences affect final grades.
Students may audit courses with the permission of the instructor if they desire to attend classes regularly but do not wish to receive a grade and credit. Upon registration, the students must declare that they wish to take a course for audit or for credit. Students may not change from audit or credit, or vice versa, after Census Date. When registering, students may take both audit and credit courses but the total should not exceed a normal load. Students who audit a course and later wish to obtain regular credit for the same course may do so by credit by special examination, for an additional fee, or by repeating the course for credit. Repeating a previously audited course does not count against the 12 repeatable credits policy.
Basic Skills Assessment Policy
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Degree-seeking students must fulfill the requirements of Colorado Basic Skills Assessment Policy (CRS 23-1-113.3), which requires:
- Assessment of each new freshman and transfer student to determine if the student is college-level in reading, writing, and mathematics. Approved assessments are the ACT, the SAT I, and Accuplacer.
- Completion of remedial coursework, if required, by the time a student earns 30 credits at Fort Lewis College.
The Colorado Basic Skills Policy is administered by the New Student Advising and Registration Office.
For detailed information on this policy, see:
Census Date for the fall and winter semesters is the 12th day of class. Census Date for each of the three summer terms is the fifth day of class. Courses dropped prior to this date do not appear on the student’s transcript and are not counted for tuition purposes. Enrollments in courses on Census Date are reported for state purposes, are reflected on the student’s transcript, and are counted for tuition purposes.
A student’s major is initially determined based on information provided on the student’s application for admission. Students who are undecided about a major or who are exploring several majors are initially listed as “Major Not Declared.” Students may change their declared major by filing a “Change of Major” form with the Registrar’s Office. The form is available online at: The student’s signature is required on the form.
Classification of Students
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A degree-seeking student is a student who has been admitted to the College and has declared an intention to pursue the requirements for an associate or baccalaureate degree.
Degree-seeking students are classified according to semester credits completed (earned), as follows:
Freshman |
Fewer than 30 semester credits |
Sophomore |
30-59 semester credits |
Junior |
60-89 semester credits |
Senior |
90 or more semester credits |
An unclassified student is one who has been permitted to enroll but does not intend to pursue the requirements for the baccalaureate or associate degree.
Communications Policy
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Electronic mail is an official means for communication within Fort Lewis College. Therefore, the College reserves the right to communicate with students via email and expects that those communications will be received and read in a timely manner.
Course Offerings and Cancellations
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The College reserves the right to cancel a class for any semester if enrollment is not deemed sufficient.
Credit by Special Examination
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See the Transfer, Exam, and Military Credit section for more information
The academic policies and regulations are changed by the College from time to time. Students graduating from Fort Lewis College must meet the degree program and course requirements for graduation set forth in the catalog in effect at the time of their matriculation or any subsequent catalog between then and the time of their graduation. Students may choose between the various catalogs but may not combine them. Regulations other than course requirements will apply according to the catalog in effect at the time of graduation except as new regulations have other effective, specifically fixed dates. However, no catalog more than 10 years old at the time of the student’s graduation will be accepted as the source of graduation requirements. A student who matriculated more than 10 years before graduation will meet the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of graduation, or may petition via the “Exception to Graduation Requirements” process to be permitted to graduate under some intervening catalog not more than 10 years old. The student must contact the Registrar’s Office for more information pertaining to this process. Any student who is not registered at Fort Lewis College for any continuous period of two calendar years or more forfeits his claim to the catalog under which he entered and comes under the catalog in effect at the time he next returns to Fort Lewis College as a student.
Enrollment Certification
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Students may obtain enrollment certifications through the Student Clearinghouse Website at: Additionally, students may download the enrollment certification request form from the Registrar’s Office and hand-deliver/mail/ fax the form to the Registrar’s Office. The form is available online at:
Full-time load for enrollment certification for Veterans Benefit, athletics, loans, etc., is 12 credits in the fall and winter semesters. Full-time load for enrollment certification during the summer will vary depending on the agency concerned.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
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The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, helps protect the privacy of student records. The Act provides for the student’s right to inspect and review educational records, to seek to amend those records, and to limit disclosure of information from the records. The Act applies to all institutions that are the recipients of federal funding under any program administered by the Secretary of Education.
When a student reaches the age of 18 or begins attending a postsecondary institution, regardless of age or dependency status, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student. FERPA applies to all students who are currently enrolled, or were formerly enrolled, and does not apply to deceased students or persons who have applied but have not attended.
Fort Lewis College has designated the following items as Directory Information:
- Student name, addresses, telephone numbers, and Fort Lewis College e-mail address
- Date and place of birth
- Major and minor fields of study
- Dates of attendance
- Degree information including degree and date conferred, honors and awards information, class and enrollment status
- Participation in recognized college activities and sports
- Most recent school attended.
The College may disclose any of the above items without prior written consent unless a student requests that his/her Directory Information not be released. Requests for non-disclosure of Directory Information must be submitted in writing to the Registrar’s Office by Census Date via an Information Privacy Form. Students who request non-disclosure of Directory Information will have a “confidentiality flag” added to their records. This means that the student must conduct all business with the College in person with a valid identification. Requests to remove confidentiality can be made only in writing by the student. Additionally, a confidentiality flag requires that the College NOT acknowledge to a third party that the student is or was a Fort Lewis College student. As long as the confidentiality flag is in place, the college will NOT publish the student’s name in any manner, including commencement programs.
For additional details, visit:
Separate days are set aside for final examinations at the close of the fall and winter semesters. It is the student’s responsibility to know the final examination schedule and take all final examinations. Finals schedules are posted on the Registrar’s Office website.
Four-Year Graduation Agreement
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See Student Bill of Rights.
The quality of a student’s work is appraised according to grade point averages. Fort Lewis College uses the four-point system, which assesses grade points as follows:
A = 4.00 points |
A- = 3.75 points |
B+ = 3.25 points |
B = 3.00 points |
B- = 2.75 points |
C+ = 2.25 points |
C = 2 points |
C- = 1.75 points |
D+ = 1.25 points |
D = 1 point |
D- = .75 point |
F = 0 points |
The grade point average, carried to two decimal places, is computed by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of credits attempted. Grades of AU, X, W, S, P, NC, I, and NG do not affect the grade point average.
AU – The grade AU means the student has audited the course.
X – The grade of X means the student has received credit by special examination or credit for military service.
W – The grade of W means the student withdrew from the course while passing. The instructor must assign a W or an F if a student withdraws after Census Date.
NG – No grade has been submitted by the instructor.
I – The grade of I means the student did not complete the work required for the course due to special circumstances the student has discussed with the instructor. Incomplete grades are appropriate only under the following conditions:
- The major part of the course requirement has been met.
- The student is unable to complete the requirements in the term in which the course is taken for compelling and unforeseen reasons.
- In the opinion of the instructor, the requirements can be completed by the student without repeating the course. When the student cannot complete the course material without repeating the course, the instructor should record a grade of W or F, rather than a grade of I.
If the student completes the course requirements within the time allotted, the instructor will initiate the grade change by filing a Special Grade Report form with the Registrar’s Office. If the course requirements are not completed within one year after the end of the appropriate term, the incomplete grade will revert to an F. The dean of the school in which the course is offered may waive for good reason the one-year deadline upon petition by the student. An Incomplete cannot be removed by registering to repeat the course.
A course for which a student has a grade of I at the time of graduation cannot be used to satisfy any graduation requirement. In the event that a student has graduated prior to removing the Incomplete, the ‘I’ grade will remain permanently on the graduate’s academic transcript.
S and NC (Satisfactory and No Credit) – Certain courses are designated as S- or NC-graded courses only. Courses that primarily utilize field experience may, at the discretion of the sponsoring school, be graded either “satisfactory – no credit,” or with the traditional “A through F” letter grade system. Should the “satisfactory – no credit” option be used, the courses may still be applied to either the major or General Education requirements.
The grade of S means that the student has successfully completed the course. Credit is given for the course but the grade is not used in the grade point average The grade of NC means that the student did not satisfactorily complete the course. No credit is given nor is the grade figured in the grade point average.
P and F (Pass and Fail) – The pass-fail option is limited to elective courses only. Pass-fail may not apply to General Education requirements, major requirements, or Teacher Education requirements with the exception of student teaching and study abroad transfer credits. Changes to or from pass-fail status after the beginning of a term must be made by Census Date.
The grade of P means that the student has passed a course on a pass-fail basis. Credit is given for the course but the grade is not used in the grade point average. The grade of F means that the student has failed the course. No credit is given for the course and the grade of F is used in the grade point average.
See Academic Grievance and Appeals.
After grades have been posted to the student’s transcript, the appropriate faculty, via a Special Grade Report form filed at the Registrar’s Office, must make all changes. If a year has passed since the original grade was filed, special approval for a grade change from the appropriate dean is required. In the event that a student has graduated prior to a grade change being filed, the original grade will remain permanently on the graduate’s academic transcript.
Grade-Replacement Policy
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Up to 12 credits of Fort Lewis College courses with initial grades of C- or lower may be repeated at Fort Lewis College or another accredited institution for grade replacement. Only the most recent grades earned will be counted in the grade point average for the first 12 credits of repeated courses in which the initial grade was C- or lower. However, all grades remain on the student’s record. When a course for which the initial grade was C or better is repeated, or when a student has already excluded 12 credits of C or lower grades from his grade point average, there is no exclusion of prior grades from the grade point average. The student must notify the Registrar’s Office as to which courses to use for these 12 credits. Upon graduation, a student’s grade point average is frozen, and students are not eligible to repeat courses for grade replacement.
Petitioning to Graduate
Once a degree-seeking student reaches 80 earned credit hours on his Fort Lewis College transcript, the Registrar’s Office will automatically send the student a Petition for Candidacy for a Degree form. The petition will request verification of academic information such as degree type, major, minor, major option, or concentrations, and anticipated graduation date. This form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office to initiate a graduation checklist. Students have 21 days to return the completed petition to the Registrar’s Office. Upon receipt of the Petition from the student, an initial graduation checklist will be sent to the student prior to academic advising and early registration. At the same time, the student’s account will be automatically assessed the graduation fee. The student will receive a second graduation checklist during the term prior to his term of anticipated graduation. Students with a Student Constructed Major must have their approved contract filed with the Registrar’s Office no later than the time he petitions to graduate.
Commencement Ceremonies
Commencement ceremonies are held twice per year: A Saturday ceremony in December following the fall semester, and two ceremonies on a Saturday in late April or early May following the winter semester. A student may participate in one commencement ceremony. Students completing graduation requirements at the conclusion of the winter or summer semester will be assigned to the April/May commencement ceremony. Students completing degree requirements at the conclusion of the fall semester will be assigned to the December commencement ceremony. See the Registrar’s Office website for commencement information.
Failure to comply with various campus policies may result in holds that are placed on a student’s WebOPUS account. Most holds prohibit student services such as registration, schedule modification, and processing academic transcript requests. Students must contact the office that placed the hold to make arrangements to have the hold(s) removed.
Dean’s List
The Dean’s List, published at the end of the fall and winter semesters, honors students for high scholastic achievement. Students who attain a grade point average of 3.6 or better in no fewer than 15 credit hours of graded college level work and have completed all work for which they are registered by the end of the semester will be on the Dean’s List for that semester.
Graduation with Honors
Students must have earned, in residence at Fort Lewis College, no fewer than 60 semester credit hours to graduate with honors. Honors are not awarded upon receipt of a second bachelor’s degree. Grade point averages required for honors are as follows:
Summa Cum Laude |
Grade point average of 3.8 to 4.0 |
Magna Cum Laude |
Grade point average of 3.6 to 3.79 |
Cum Laude |
Grade point average of 3.4 to 3.59 |
Note: Honors read at commencement are based on credit hours and the grade point average posted as of the previous term and are not official. Official Honors will be awarded upon posting of final grades, calculation of final GPA, and completion of the degree, and will be noted on the final transcript and diploma.
Graduation as a John F. Reed Honors Program Scholar
See John F. Reed Honors Program .
Individual and Independent Study
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Departmental Individual Study (299) and Independent Study (499) courses are student learning experiences structured and supervised by a faculty member. Students formally enroll during the period of research or independent study. Individual and Independent Study courses should be completed in the term in which they are approved.
The number of credits earned for an Individual or Independent Study course is based on the number of hours the student will take to complete it. Students will complete a minimum of 50 hours of work for each credit hour earned. The appropriate number of credit hours will be determined by the instructor of record who will also document that the student completed those hours. A maximum of 8 credits of 299/499 will count toward a baccalaureate degree. Prior approval to assure that the independent project is commensurate with the proposed number of credits will be given by the respective instructor, department chair/area coordinator and dean.
Procedures to Register for Individualized and Independent Study
- Student and instructor complete the form “Independent Study Petition.” The form is available online at
- The student must then obtain the Department Chair/Coordinator approval.
- The student must then take the form to the appropriate Dean’s Office for approval.
- Registration must be completed by Census Date.
If approved,
- The Dean’s Office will initiate registration by emailing the Registrar’s Office.
- The Registrar’s Office will register the student in the course and confirm registration by emailing both instructor and student at their Fort Lewis College email account as well as the Dean’s Office.
- Inform the student, at his Fort Lewis College email account, of any additional requirements before registration can be completed (such as removal of holds).
- The Registrar’s Office will also inform both the instructor and the Dean’s Office of a student’s failure to successfully register.
Students should confirm registration via their WebOPUS account.
New freshman and transfer students are required to attend New Student Orientation immediately prior to their first term of attendance.
With the exception of new freshman and transfer students, who are registered by the New Student Advising and Registration Office, course registration is done online through WebOPUS. Access is limited to students via a student identification number, personal PIN, and Alternate PIN (ALTPIN). Registration for continuing students begins in early November for the winter semester and in late March for the summer and fall semesters.
Schedule Modifications
Once students have registered for classes, they may process schedule modifications using the following procedures:
Course Drops: A course drop may be processed using WebOPUS through Census Date of the term. After Census Date and prior to the last day of regular classes, all course drops must be submitted using a Course Drop Form which may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. The form requires an instructor’s signature, an instructor assigned ‘F’ or ‘W’ grade, and must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within seven days of the instructor’s signature for processing. The process for dropping classes may not be used to officially withdraw from college beginning the first day of the term. Please see Withdrawing from the Term, below. Non-attendance does not constitute a drop or a withdrawal.
Course Adds: Students may add courses with available seats using WebOPUS through the first five days of the fall or winter semester or the first day of each summer term. Faculty may enter course permission overrides electronically for the following special conditions: Prerequisite, course/class level or instructor permission. Once an override is entered, the student must still complete registration for the course via WebOPUS. If permission is not granted electronically, students may use a Special Condition Add form available at the Registrar’s Office. Beginning the second week of the fall and winter semesters or the second day of each summer term and through Census Date of each term, any course additions must be on Special Condition Add forms, available at the Registrar’s Office. The form requires the signature of the instructor. Regularly scheduled courses cannot be added after Census Date.
Adds for Courses with Time Conflicts: In the case of a course time conflict, a Special Condition Add form is required, along with the signatures of both instructors involved, as well as an explanation of how the course requirements are to be met.
Adds for Late-Starting Courses: After Census Date, students wishing to enroll in courses beginning at a time other than the normal start of the term may use a Special Condition Add form up until a week after the first class meeting.
Senior Year Transfer Policy
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The Senior Year Transfer Policy is an exception to the requirement that a student must complete his or her final 30 credits in residence (i.e., from Fort Lewis College). Under this policy, of the last 40 semester credits earned immediately preceding graduation, two courses, not to exceed 10 credits, may be completed at another regionally accredited college or university. It is strongly recommended that the student receive confirmation from the Registrar’s Office of course transferability prior to registration at the other institution. The Vice President for Academic Affairs may make other exceptions in unusual circumstances on recommendation of the appropriate school dean. Students participating in any official Fort Lewis College program/international experience will be considered “in residence.” Credits earned through such programs are not subject to the limits of the Senior Year Transfer Policy.
Any student who does not enroll for two consecutive semesters (summer is counted as one semester), must reapply through the Admission Office for readmission to Fort Lewis College. It is the student’s responsibility at the point of application to notify Fort Lewis College of any and all possible transfer, test, or military credits earned during any absences. The Effective Catalog policy, see above, will determine which catalog a student is eligible to use upon return to Fort Lewis College.
Student Bill of Rights
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Colorado colleges and universities are governed by CRS 23-1-125, known as the Student Bill of Rights. Queries related to the Student Bill of Rights should be directed to the Dean of the Division of Enrollment Services and General Education.
Students have a right to:
- A quality general education experience that develops competencies in reading, writing, mathematics, technology, and critical thinking through an integrated arts and science experience.
- Students should be able to complete their Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree programs in no more than 60 credits or their baccalaureate programs in no more than 120 credits unless there are additional degree requirements recognized by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education.
- A student can sign a two-year or four-year graduation agreement that formalizes a plan for that student to obtain a degree in two or four years, unless there are additional degree requirements recognized by the Commission.
- Students have a right to clear and concise information concerning which courses must be completed successfully to complete their degrees.
- Students have a right to know which courses are transferable among the state public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education.
- Students, upon successful completion of core general education courses, should have those courses satisfy the core course requirements of all Colorado public institutions of higher education.
- Students have a right to know if courses from one or more public higher education institutions satisfy the students’ degree requirements.
- A student’s credit for the completion of the core requirements and core courses shall not expire for ten years from the date of initial enrollment and shall be transferable.
Fort Lewis College does not charge a fee for providing official academic transcripts sent through regular U.S. Postal Service. Transcript requests may be made online via WebOPUS with ID and PIN, or in writing (student’s signature required). Requests should be sent to the Registrar’s Office. Transcript requests will not be processed for those students who have an administrative hold on their account.
Tuition Classification
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Petitioning for In-State Residency
A student is classified as an in-state or out-of-state student for tuition purposes at the time of admission. This classification is based on information supplied by the student on the application for admission. Residency classifications are determined in accordance with the Colorado Tuition Classification Law, CRS Section 23, Article 7, and revised May 1995. Colorado institutions of higher education are bound by the provisions of this statute and are not free to make exceptions to the rules set forth. Once determined, a student’s tuition classification status remains unchanged unless satisfactory evidence that a change should be made is presented. Satisfactory evidence would be a Petition for In-State Residency and should be submitted to the Admission Office for first-time students or to the Registrar’s Office for continuing students. The deadline for submission of a Petition for In-State Residency is the first day of the term for which the student is petitioning. It is preferred that petitions be received 30 days prior to the beginning of the term. Petitions received past the deadline will not be considered until the following term. Students may contact the Admission or Registrar’s Office for additional information about the petitioning process.
The statute provides that an in-state student is one who has been a legal domiciliary (resident) of Colorado for exactly one year or more immediately preceding the first day of the term for which the in-state classification is being sought. Persons 23 years of age or older, or who are under 23 and emancipated, establish their own legal domicile. Those who are under 23 years of age and are unemancipated assume the domicile of their parent or court-appointed legal guardian. An unemancipated minor’s parent, therefore, must have a legal domicile in Colorado for one year or more before the minor may be classified as an in-state student for tuition purposes. Emancipation, as defined by Colorado statute, is the intent of the parent to cease all financial support of the student. Financial support includes, but is not limited to, daily expenses, tuition, medical insurance, automobile insurance, and automobile ownership. Domicile is established when one has a permanent place of habitation in Colorado and the intention of making Colorado one’s true, fixed, and permanent home and place of habitation. The tuition statute places the burden of establishing a Colorado domicile on the person seeking to establish the domicile. The question of intent is one of documentable fact and needs to be shown by substantial connections with the state sufficient to evidence such intent.
Legal domicile in Colorado, for tuition purposes, begins the day after connections with Colorado are made sufficient to evidence one’s intent. The most common ties with the state are:
- Ownership or rental of residential real property in Colorado
- Permanent employment in Colorado
- Compliance with laws imposing a mandatory duty on any domiciliary of the state, such as the driver’s license law and the vehicle registration law
- Colorado voter registration
- Payment of Colorado state income taxes as a resident by one whose income is sufficient to be taxed. Note: payment or filing of back taxes in no way serves to establish legal domicile retroactive to the time filed.
To qualify for in-state tuition for a given term, the 12- month waiting period (which begins when the legal domicile is established) must be completed by the first day of classes for the term in question. If one’s 12- month waiting period expires after the beginning of the term, in-state tuition cannot be granted until the next term. A student who, due to subsequent events, becomes eligible for a change in classification from resident to non-resident must inform the Registrar’s Office within 15 days after such a change occurs. An adult student or emancipated minor who moves outside of Colorado must send written notification to the Registrar’s Office within 15 days of the change.
A student who has been denied in-state residency in the past who wishes to be reconsidered for in-state residency must submit an updated Petition for In-State Residency form with any additional documentation. The final decision regarding tuition status, within statute stipulation, rests with the College. Questions regarding residence (tuition) status should be referred only to the Registrar’s Office. Opinions of other persons are not official or binding upon the College. Additional information (including the “Petition for In-State Classification” form) is available from the Registrar’s Office.
Native American Tuition Waiver
As a matter of policy and in compliance with state law, Fort Lewis College offers Native American students, as defined below, full-tuition waivers to attend the institution. Fort Lewis College adheres to the following definition: “The term Native American shall include all persons of Native American descent who are members of any recognized Native American tribe now under federal jurisdiction, and all persons who are descendants of such members who were, on June 1, 1934, residing within the present boundaries of any Native American reservation, and shall further include all persons of one-half or more Native American blood. Eskimos and other aboriginal people of Alaska shall be considered Native Americans.” (United States Code, 1964 Edition, Vol. 6, Title 25, Chapter 14, Section 479, Page 4, 897.)
To be considered for the Native American Tuition Waiver at Fort Lewis College, a student must provide a Certificate of Indian Blood or a copy of a Tribal Membership Card by the first day of the term to which the student has applied. To qualify for the Native American Tuition Waiver, a student must be at least 50% Native American or an enrolled member of a Federally Recognized Tribe. Note: Shareholders or descendants of members do not qualify if they are unable to prove they themselves:
- Have their own enrollment or census number,
- Are 1/2 Native American,
- Are direct descendants of a tribal member who lived in the boundaries of a reservation prior to June 1, 1934. Direct descendant is defined as a maternal or paternal grandchild or great-grandchild. Birth certificates and proof of residency within the confines of a reservation must be provided.
The College will review all applications from Native American students to determine if they qualify for the full-tuition waiver. Native American students, who qualify based on appropriate tribal certification and admission standards, will be offered the full-tuition waiver. This waiver does not include fees, room, board and books.
The Native American tuition waiver applies to the student portion of tuition only. Native American Colorado resident students must apply for and authorize the College Opportunity Fund stipend to cover the state portion of their tuition.
Resident Tuition for Active Duty Military Personnel
The Colorado Legislature has authorized resident tuition for active duty military personnel on permanent assignment in Colorado and for their dependents (as defined by military regulations). Eligible students must be certified each term. Students obtain a completed verification form from the base education officer and submit the form with their military ID to the Registrar’s Office prior to registering for classes. Students who have military certification remain classified as non-residents for tuition purposes and must petition to change their status once they establish permanent ties to Colorado.
Withdrawing from the Term
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Students who have registered for classes and decide not to attend have the responsibility to cancel their registration with the College by using WebOPUS and following the procedures outlined below. Nonattendance does not constitute withdrawal. Financial aid recipients, who completely withdraw or receive 0 credits for one term may be subject to immediate repayment of un-earned aid.
Prior to the First Day of the Term
Students must cancel their registration through WebOPUS. Students should select the “Student Services & Financial Aid” > “Registration” > “Add/ Drop Classes” > select the appropriate term > drop each of their classes prior to midnight on the day before the term begins. First-time students wishing to cancel their enrollment who have never accessed their secure WebOPUS account may also complete and submit to the Registrar’s Office the form New Student Request to Cancel Enrollment at Fort Lewis College. The form is provided to newly admitted students and is available via the Registrar’s Office web page.
First Day of Term Through Last Day of Regular Classes
Beginning with the first day of the term, students must officially withdraw from the current term using WebOPUS. An official withdrawal completed on the first day of the term (or failure to complete withdrawal), will result in tuition and fee charges according to the Tuition and Fees brochure. Withdrawals are accepted through the last day of regular classes for the fall and winter semesters and the last day of the term for each summer session.. Withdrawals are not permitted during finals week of the fall and winter semesters. Go to:
Technical Difficulties with WebOPUS
If a student experiences problems with any of the above processes using WebOPUS it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible.
Tuition and Fees Schedule for Students Who Withdraw
Students initiating official withdrawal will be assessed tuition and fees according to the pro rata schedule presented in the Tuition and Fees brochure. There are separate schedules for the fall and winter semesters and the summer sessions. Go to:
Other Responsibilities Associated with Withdrawal
Students who have applied for housing and/or financial aid have other responsibilities associated with official withdrawal and must contact those offices directly.