Sep 13, 2024
2022-2023 Catalog of Courses [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Master of Arts in Education: Principal Leadership
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the degree must complete the 30-credit curriculum specified for the program, with a minimum of 21 credits earned at Fort Lewis College; earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 on all graduate coursework; satisfactorily the Culminating Research Project; and be in good standing with the department’s Graduate Professional Education Review Committee in terms of professionalism and ethical behavior. REQUIREMENTS FOR MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION: PRINCIPAL LEADERSHIP
Electives: 3 Credits
One of the listed courses is required for a minimum of three (3) credits. Transfers of leadership theory, change theory or related courses will be considered.
p This course has a prerequisite. You must complete the prerequisite course(s) before enrolling in this course. Sometimes you are given a choice or a list of prerequisites to complete.