2023-2024 Catalog of Courses [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ANTH 246 - Human Biological Variation [LAC-SC2] In this course, students learn about human biological variation and adaptation within an evolutionary framework. The genetic and epigenetic basis for human variation, the concept of race, examples of physiological and behavioral adaptation to environmental variables, and current issues in human biodiversity will be addressed. Health and disease of human populations will be considered using a biocultural perspective.
Credits: 3
Clock Hours - (Lect-Lab): (3-0)
gtPathways: SC2
Notes: This course was approved for gtPathways as of publication date. Changes can be made to approved gtPathways courses at any time; they are not catalog specific. The most accurate listing of courses approved for gtPathways can be found by searching by attribute on the schedule on WebOPUS.
This course is recommended for students with sophomore standing and above